got big authentic energy?

join us in revolutionizing professional coaching

BIG AUTHENTIC ENERGY: a publication animated by a self-funded start-up on a mission to build a humanity-first micro-economy, self-governed by the community for the community. 
Our evolving ecosystem is a place where evolved entrepreneurs can develop practical skills, receive peer support, and share and sell your services and products within the marketplace.
trauma-informed care. social justice. authentic empowerment. transparent transactions. devotional leadership.

What will you learn about following B.A.E. on Substack?

BAE Society’s 5 Keynote Topics: (1) sustainable marketing, (2) artful and impactful branding, (3) ethical sales practices, (4) smarter not harder workflows, and (5) authentic empowerment through somatic alchemy coaching™.

our vision

uniting wellness leaders

Our vision at BAE Society is to create a world where individuals and organizations are empowered to tap into their Big Authentic Energy and achieve their full potential. We see a future where somatic and holistic coaching and consulting are not only mainstream but celebrated as the driving force behind positive change in individuals and communities worldwide.

BAE Society is committed to being the go-to destination for somatic and integrative coaching and consulting, offering a supportive community and resources that raise the collective bar for professional coaching. Together, we are building a global network of somatic and holistic practitioners who collaborate and innovate to drive the industry forward, inspiring the world with our passion, integrity, and commitment to creating a brighter future for all.

our values

trauma-informed care. social justice. authentic embodiment. transparent transactions.

Be part of a community of people who share your values.

At BAES, we believe that fostering a respectful and inclusive community is essential to achieving our mission of empowering integrative coaches and consultants to achieve big authentic success. 

d.e.i. + trauma-responsive care

This means acting as intentional allies for all marginalized humans and communities.

  1. We recognize that people's trauma histories may manifest in different ways and at different times, and we will strive to approach these situations with sensitivity and understanding.

  2. We value and prioritize informed consent in all aspects of our work and interactions with one another.

  3. We respect the diverse identities, backgrounds, and experiences of all members of our community, and we actively work to create a culture of inclusivity and equity.

  4. We aim to cultivate a community that is anti-oppressive, anti-racist, and intersectional in its approach to social justice and activism.

  5. We commit to ongoing education and training on issues related to trauma, social justice, and equity.

  6. We strive to maintain a safe and supportive space for all members of our community to learn, grow, and connect with one another.

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